Call of ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of partners of “Additum Blockchain, SL 2024

Mr. Manuel Castellón Leal, in his capacity as secretary of the Board of Directors of ADDITUM BLOCKCHAIN, S.L., hereby announces and sends you the call for the General Meeting of partners of the company ADDITUM BLOCKCHAIN, S.L., agreed upon by the Board of Directors on date March 31, 2024, which will be held as ordinary and extraordinary, on June 13, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the company’s registered office, located in Madrid, at Almagro Street, no. 1; 1st Right
The matters listed in the following will be submitted for deliberation and vote,

With the character of Ordinary Board

FIRST. Examination and approval, if applicable, of the Annual Accounts corresponding to the Fiscal Year closed on December 31, 2023, as well as the management of the administrators.

SECOND. Application of the result of the fiscal year closed on December 31, 2023.

With the character of Extraordinary Meeting

THIRD. Report of activities and upcoming projects.

FORTH. Granting of powers.

FIFTH. Drafting, reading and approval of the minutes of the Board.

Documentation examination. In accordance with the provisions of article 287 of the Capital Companies Law, the right of all partners to examine the full text of the proposed modifications at the registered office, as well as request delivery or free shipping, is stated. of said documents.

Right to information. In accordance with the provisions of article 196 of the Capital Companies Law, the shareholders may request in writing, prior to the general meeting or verbally during it, the reports or clarifications they deem necessary regarding the matters included in the agenda. The administrative body will be obliged to provide them, orally or in writing according to the time and nature of the information requested.

In relation to the first and second points on the agenda, and in accordance with the provisions of article 272 of the Capital Companies Law, as of the date of this call, any partner may obtain from the company, immediately and free of charge, the documents that must be submitted for approval, as well as, where applicable, the management report and the auditor’s report.

Right to assistance and representation. The shareholders may attend the Meeting in person or represented, in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of the Bylaws, in accordance with the provisions of article 183 of the Capital Companies Law.

Attendance and voting by telematic means. In accordance with article 15 bis of the Company Statutes, the administrative body has agreed to enable the possibility for shareholders to attend the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting by telematic means. In this way, partners and representatives will be able to connect in real time and participate remotely on the same day that the General Meeting is held.

For these purposes, and in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, the following instructions and rules for delegation, remote voting and telematic attendance are established for those members who wish to attend the General Meeting by telematic means:

a) Prior identification of the partner or, where applicable, the representative:

The member who wishes to attend the Meeting remotely and exercise his or her rights must prove his or her identity to the Secretary of the Meeting, at the beginning of the Meeting. Likewise, in order for the representative to attend the Meeting electronically, he must additionally accredit the representation received from the partner before the secretary of the Meeting at the beginning of the meeting.

b) Connection and attendance at the Meeting

The member (or his representative), who has duly proven his identification in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph, must connect to the data of the video conference called through the “Teams” application by the administrative body. The electronic call with the link will be sent at least five days before the date of the Meeting and will contain a link that will allow you to connect to the General Meeting of partners for free.
Members who exercise their right to remotely attend the General Meeting by electronic means, in accordance with the provisions herein, will be considered for all purposes as present or, where appropriate, represented.

c) Interventions and questions

The interventions and proposals for agreements or requests for information or clarifications that, in accordance with the Law and the Statutes, are intended to be made by those who are going to attend by telematic means, may be sent in writing to the administrative body prior to the holding of the Meeting. . In the event that the partner or his representative wants his intervention to appear literally in the minutes of the meeting, this must be expressly stated in the text of the meeting.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, members who attend by telematic means may formulate interventions, requests and proposals that they consider appropriate verbally during the Meeting. Requests for information or clarifications from partners or their representatives who attend the Meeting electronically will be answered verbally during the meeting.

d) Voting

Members or their representatives who attend electronically may cast their vote on the proposed agreements relating to points included in the Agenda, from the moment of connection to the Meeting and until the president or, where applicable, the secretary announces the conclusion of the voting period for the agreement proposals. Voting will be done by voice (in favor, against or abstention). Regarding the proposed agreements on those matters that do not need to appear on the agenda, telematic attendees will be able to cast their votes from the moment said proposals are read to proceed with their vote.

In Madrid, on May 16, 2024.

Manuel Castellón Leal
Council secretary

Download delegation letter (DOC Format)
Download delegation letter (PDF Format)