We are a company founded and led by a management team of the highest level. We have more than 20 years of accumulated experience in the health sector, including areas of administration, health management, and technological, health and pharmaceutical industries such as: Medtronic, Ministry of Health, Spanish Drug Agency, different Clinical Areas, Alastria, MIT and GE Healthcare.
We understand the “What to Do” to create value in Healthcare with a team of professionals that accumulate knowledge and experience. We know the “How to Do” by taking advantage of the new digital technologies, based in our knowledge and experience and our access to the right partners.
We have the experience to establish the right Business Model for the kind of services we are providing, in addition to an extraordinary capacity of Networking inside the National Healthcare to convince the decision makers on our value proposition.
We are a company founded and led by a management team of the highest level. We have more than 20 years of accumulated experience in the health sector, including areas of administration, health management, and technological, health and pharmaceutical industries such as: Medtronic, Ministry of Health, Spanish Drug Agency, different Clinical Areas, Alastria, MIT and GE Healthcare.
We understand the “What to Do” to create value in Healthcare with a team of professionals that accumulate knowledge and experience. We know the “How to Do” by taking advantage of the new digital technologies, based in our knowledge and experience and our access to the right partners.
We have the experience to establish the right Business Model for the kind of services we are providing, in addition to an extraordinary capacity of Networking inside the National Healthcare to convince the decision makers on our value proposition.

Engineer, Director of Innovation at the Health Care Institute (ESADE Business & Law School) and Founder of Additum Blockchain.
Among his extensive professional experience, it stands out that he was Corporate Vice President and President of Medtronic for Spain and Portugal, former General Director of the medical division of Hewlett Packard Spain. Member of the European Society of Cardiology. Former president of the Technology and Health Foundation.

Specialist in Internal Medicine, Bachelor of Economics, MPH MSc Health Policy Harvard University and Founder of Additum Blockchain.
Among his outstanding professional experience, it is worth noting that he was Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, President of the Board of Trustees of the Carlos III Health Institute (he launched the CNIC, CNIO and FIPSE) and promoted the creation of the Spanish Medicines Agency of which he was Executive President. He was Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services of the Community of Madrid and general director of the Galician Health Service.
we have a multidisciplinary team of the highest level:
we have a multidisciplinary team of the highest level:

Doctor of Pharmacy, MS in Pharmacology. Evaluation, Development and Rational Use of Medicines, MS in Clinical Research. More than 10 years of experience in R+D+i, Health Sector and Pharmaceutical Industry. Project director at Additum, with extensive experience in the coordination and management of national and international projects aimed at optimizing the creation of value in Health.

MS Biomedical Engineering. Data Analyst & Healthcare Processes Consultant. Leading the conceptualization and design of digital platforms as clinical tools, based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to create Clinical Decision Support Systems to optimize care processes and monitor value along the patient journey.

Doctor in Neuroscience. BSc in Biotechnology and MSc in Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy. Experience in biomedical research and product management.

Industrial Engineer, President of the MIT Enterprise Forum, co-founder of and co-founder of Addiutm Blockchain. Among her successful professional experience, it stands out that she was co-founder of, executive at IBM and Oracle, President of the MIT Club of New York and member of the MIT Alumni Association Selection Committee. She has been honored with numerous awards and recognition as a thought leader in advanced technologies.

Lawyer, specialized in Company Law. Founding partner of Castellón Abogados in 1995. Head of the Department of Investor Relations and Corporate Communication at CRB Inverbio.

Lawyer and economist. Master in Legal Advice. 25 years of experience as a company lawyer. Director and certified company adviser in several communication companies. Founder of Castellón Lawyers.

Scientific-Technical Director of CRB Inverbio and founding partner of Additum Blockchain. Molecular biologist. Professional experience at the Institute of Cell Biology. Histopathology services at Fundación Jiménez Diaz Hospital. 20 years in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital.
Advisory Committee:
Advisory Committee:

Vice President at the American Chamber of Commerce and the Junior Achievement Foundation.

Josep María
Former Head of the Gastroenterology Service at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Clinical gastroenterologist, President of the Spanish Federation of Medical Scientific Societies.